It’s been a little while since I last posted, so I wanted to give you, my readers, an update. Firstly, thanks for the support! I am happy to have found like minded people who are willing to think through issues, even if they don’t always agree with my conclusions. The main purpose of Logia has always been to educate and push my readers to think for themselves. Intellectual responsibility is something that is not highly prized today, as many people think either it is morally acceptable or morally necessary to outsource the hard work of thinking to those who have been called “experts.” So I value every one of you who reads with a critical eye in order to understand reality and respond accordingly.
Secondly, I want to apologize for not posting as frequently as I thought I’d be able to when I first started Logia. The Lord has blessed with me an incredible, beautiful, and loving wife, and with four amazing children. My first commitment is to my wife and kids, and it’s hard to keep up with Logia sometimes because of that. My greatest joy and calling I have been given by God will always take precedence over any form of employment I have, even Logia. So it has been hard for me to consistently post without other things being put on the back burner. If Logia were my only form of employment, I would be able to produce even more content. But as of the moment, in addition to being a husband and father, I have a regular ole 9 to 5 job that I also have to do. This means that Logia will have to slow down on content production.
Thirdly, however, this does not mean I am not going to write at all. Instead, it means that I will be posting less frequently, kind of sporadically — unless my employment situation changes and gives me free time to research and write. While I would like to write more frequently, I do see a positive in this for Logia overall, which means for you as well. If I have to spread out my writing a little more, this will hopefully give me more time to assess my own thinking on issues and not just give a “hot take” on this cultural or theological or philosophical subject. I’ve always been concerned about misleading people by making rash judgments in the name of “remaining relevant.” The truth is more important than that, and I think you deserve the truth. So, in a way, the spacing out of my writing here at Logia is an answer to prayer.
Lastly, I would greatly appreciate your prayers. I have been asked to do a test run of sorts with a group that publishes material that is in line with much of what I’m writing about here at Logia. I want to do my best to contribute to that group, and see how it can help the group and benefit me as an author/content creator. Perhaps this will open doors for me to become a full time writer. Perhaps it won’t. Either way, I want to contribute and do so in a manner that is consistent with the goals of that group and my own. So please pray for me.
Currently, I am still researching and writing about “Radical Hospitality,” have an article on the connection between Van Tillian presuppositionalism and postmodernism that is in the works, and I am working through an article for the group I mentioned above. I hope to have the next chapter of my book on “Radical Hospitality” published soon, perhaps later this week. In any case, if you want to contact me, you can email me or message me on the Substack Reader app. I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks for your support, and your patience.
Soli Deo Gloria
Thanks, Lori. I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things soon :)
I appreciate your writing so much, I hope that soon you will be able to write full-time.