Welcome to Logia!
Logia is the publishing outlet of Hiram R. Diaz III. It touches on relevant issues in theology, philosophy, and culture from a Protestant Christian worldview. It is divided up into four sections, namely:
The Logia Blog — This is a weekly blog published every Monday. These articles are free for all subscribers on the first Monday of every month. The remaining three articles for the month, however, are only accessible to paid subscribers.
The Logia Review — This is a (mostly) weekly book review published on Wednesday. All subscribers have access to these articles.
Scripturalist Publications — This is where you can find downloadable books and booklets on the same kinds of issues the Logia blog addresses. Some of these will be free, others will only be accessible to paid subscribers.
The Logia Fragments Podcast — This is a weekly podcast that revisits the content the blog has dealt with so far, but also looks forward to what will be coming in the future. It’s free to all subscribers.
The overall goal of Logia is to goad Christians and non-Christians alike into thinking clearly and rationally for themselves. It is also to provide Christians with research and information that can help them understand and navigate the tumultuous times in which we live.
What Does A Paid Subscription Give You?
When you support Logia financially, you get access to all of the blog articles published, all of the paid books and booklets that will we publish, get the ability to comment on blog articles, and get early access to new books and booklets that will be published in paperback form later.
You also enable me (Hiram) to keep Logia and its operations running. Research and writing are time-consuming, and can be costly. You can directly assist me in expanding the amount of resources I can access in order to provide you with material in which you can take intellectual confidence.
Financially supporting Logia enables me to keep my operations — as a father, sometimes-preacher, researcher, full time employee, and husband — running as well.
If you can’t provide financial support by becoming a paid subscriber or by giving a donation, then please remember to like and share the content you find here.
Soli Deo Gloria